Ebooks that Sell Themselves

EBooks That Sell Themselves!

Now that you have wrote, or have had written for you an ebook “so good” that it should sell itself don’t be surprised if it doesn’t!

I’m not insinuating that you won’t be able to sell your ebook but I am inferring that your work is not done yet.

If you really want to sell your ebook you need to create a page that “sells” it.

It’s called a sales page and special attention needs to be given to it, to make sure anyone who gets to it, will feel compelled to read it, long enough to find out that your ebook is so great, that they have to buy it.

To make sure you eBooks sales page is compelling you need to start by writing a catchy headline which uses words people who are looking for the solution your ebook solves may be using to show you identify with your customers and their problems and at least hints at a solution. Your head line, like all text on your sales page, should be in an easy to read font and one that displays well in all browsers.

From your main head line you will want to roll into a sub headline which is an extension of the main headline and serves to build hype enough to grab readers attention and get them exited enough to read the rest of the page and all about all the benefits your ebook will give them.

Your first few paragraphs should be used to build report with your customer let them know that you understand their problems. Following the introductory paragraphs explain that your ebook is here to solve it.

Then show them a picture of your ebook. Although eBooks don’t need covers you should still show them a professional looking representation of what your ebook would look like. People almost need the image of a book to help them understand what there “virtually” getting and research shows that better the ebook cover image looks the better sales will do.

After displaying a picture of the book you should offer a button or field in which people can start the process of purchasing if they choose. After the “Buy Now” area of your sales page you will want a list of specific benefits your book will solve, for the “doubting” but still interested group.

Once you have laid out all of the benefits’ of your ebook follow up with a strong call to action. Perhaps a limited time offer or something that shows the potential customer that procrastination leads to regret. Again offer means to start the buying process within site of the words or a picture that represents a guarantee and then expound on the greatness of the guarantee to ease the doubters mind about the safety and security they can feel in making the decision to buy now.

All of these things should be considered the backbone of your sales page strategy if you truly want to have your ebook sell itself!