The Delicious Joy of Becoming an eBook Writer

The Delicious Joy of Becoming an Ebook Writer

How many people do you know that can call themselves a published writer?

A few?

But, then if you think back to high school how many people that you knew then wanted to become a writer but then grew up to be something boring and practical instead?

From Hollywood Movies to prime time television the lives and lifestyles of a writer have been romanticized and exalted. (In part I believe because the writers of movies and television shows aspire to be published writers themselves).

At parties anyone who writes for a living becomes an instant celebrity. Everyone wants to know how they get their ideas and give them their ideas for stories or articles they think should be written about. Many people upon meeting a writer will tell them there whole life story hopping that the writer will somehow use it there next book thus making them immortal.

Sometime it is downright reticules the amount of attention paid to writers.

Yet that is the draw for some people to sit alone in a coffee shop and gaze off into their imagination and then type furiously while cup after cup of expensive good coffee goes cold on the table un-touched while they feverishly tap away at the keyboards of their laptops.

Thanks to self publishing more and more people are getting to experience the lifestyles of Hemingway, Poe and Thoreau.

The costs to self publish and ebook online is almost nothing and takes little if no time at all. A web site that allows customers to buy eBooks can be made easily with free websites like those had through websites like and setting up a payment processor through sites like can be accomplished in less time than reading this article.

So did you have a story to tell?

Do you remember the ones that floated around in your head as a teenager? Is there anything left of the raged spiral notebook you scratched in, as the buss rumbled you along home? What was that story you and your best friend were telling each other and adding bits to in the light of a flashlight at summer camp that year? What was the name of that movie you saw with the dumb ending? How would you have done it better if it was your story? Do you want to make the world laugh or expose something worth crying about until someone does something to stop it?

Why not shut off the television and set out on the back patio with a tom colons dripping sweat down its side and pop open your laptop and start clickity clacking on the old keyboard while the dog chases bird shadows up the fence.

Life is good as writer, just you wait and see!

Special Touches can Make or Break You

Special Touches Can Make or Break You.

Adding perceived and real value to your eBooks and other downloadable information products can be accomplished in many ways. Having original well written content is of course the most important. For those that research and compile useful information but do not have topnotch writing or editing skills professional writers can be found on line at place like, and at reasonable prices. This is the standard or starting place though really for a successful information or ebook product.

To make sure that your customer is wowed by the purchase they made, you will want to up the perceived value of your products by making the initial first impression they get when opening it as favorable as possible. The first impression the customer makes when they open the download will greatly affect the value they put on the information inside. Ultimately this will even affect the return rates of information products that are purchased.

So how do we accomplish creating this all important first impression economically?

We need to make the ebook as visually appealing as possible.

How is this accomplished?

Adding pictures is a good start. Finding and adding great pictures to eBooks which can be obtained through free photo sites is a great start. Often just by asking permission and notifying the artist how there picture will be used is all it takes.

Adding info graphics to explain hard to visualize concepts is also a great way to add color and piazzas to an otherwise gray looking ebook. Using Open Office Draw or similar programs to create pie graphs, bar graphs and other info graphics is a great way to impress purchasers of your products at a glance.

Making a clickable table of contents, will add ease of use for the customer and demonstrate professionalism and build legitimacy for your content. It’s also a feature ebook readers have come to expect and one off the reasons they choose buying eBooks online versus taking the alternative route and buying hardcover and paperbacks from your competitor.

Adding borders and page number should also be part of your standard ebook creation procedure as well as picking out an easy to read font.

As more and more of the world switch from traditional paper to electronic books the electronic book or ebook world will become even more competitive. It is essential then that you either become acquainted with these techniques or have someone on your team who is.

You simply can’t ignore adding special touches to your information products if you wan’t to succeed in today’s marketplace. After all, you do only get one chance to make a first impression!

Promoting your Own eBook

Promoting Your Own Ebook

Of course if you create your own ebook you will want to get it in front of as many people as possible for as little work and cost as possible.

You could go on Twitter and tweet every hour “Hey just wrote an ebook” and leave a “tiny url” but that would probably get you un-followed faster than eBooks would fly off the virtual shelves.

Is there a better way?

Well what is your ebook about?

If your ebook is about home schooling for example you could answer tweets about problems that deal with homeschooling and simply put a link to your sales page on your Twitter profile this way people who read and follow your good advice would be interested in you look at your profile and purchase your ebook considering the information you give away on Twitter is so good it easy to assume your ebook is even better.

You could use this same strategy in forums related to home schooling as an unobtrusive way to earn respect in the home schooling community and looked to as the go-to-guru for all things home schooled!

The trick is not to appear over bearing and to self promotional. These are real people on forums looking for solutions to their problems and not expecting forum posts to be mini commercials.

Tact and patience are the watch words in social marketing. People who understand this gain large fan groups in social media and this large fan base translates into sales.

You can also start a blog about home schooling. Blogs are free, and rank high in the search engines as long as new content is added regularly for specific keywords used in titles of blog entries. You could use a blog to develop a fan base of people interested in homeschooling and also create both advertising for your sales page with your blog and a vital link to your sales page.

Buying the keywords “home schooling” from search engines and creating your own snappy little Adwords campaign is also another great way to get people who are interested in homeschooling to see your ebook. The process is easier than you would think and the directions can easily be followed at the search engines website.

Another free and easy way to get your website some visitors is to remember to put it in your signature as a link at the bottom of your emails.

This way every time your email is forwarded an intact link to your sales page will get passed along.

There’s almost no end to the free and easy things you can do to promote your ebook and buy the time you finish this article the Internet may have changed again already and you may discover a new form of self promotion that wasn’t there yesterday!

Ebooks that Sell Themselves

EBooks That Sell Themselves!

Now that you have wrote, or have had written for you an ebook “so good” that it should sell itself don’t be surprised if it doesn’t!

I’m not insinuating that you won’t be able to sell your ebook but I am inferring that your work is not done yet.

If you really want to sell your ebook you need to create a page that “sells” it.

It’s called a sales page and special attention needs to be given to it, to make sure anyone who gets to it, will feel compelled to read it, long enough to find out that your ebook is so great, that they have to buy it.

To make sure you eBooks sales page is compelling you need to start by writing a catchy headline which uses words people who are looking for the solution your ebook solves may be using to show you identify with your customers and their problems and at least hints at a solution. Your head line, like all text on your sales page, should be in an easy to read font and one that displays well in all browsers.

From your main head line you will want to roll into a sub headline which is an extension of the main headline and serves to build hype enough to grab readers attention and get them exited enough to read the rest of the page and all about all the benefits your ebook will give them.

Your first few paragraphs should be used to build report with your customer let them know that you understand their problems. Following the introductory paragraphs explain that your ebook is here to solve it.

Then show them a picture of your ebook. Although eBooks don’t need covers you should still show them a professional looking representation of what your ebook would look like. People almost need the image of a book to help them understand what there “virtually” getting and research shows that better the ebook cover image looks the better sales will do.

After displaying a picture of the book you should offer a button or field in which people can start the process of purchasing if they choose. After the “Buy Now” area of your sales page you will want a list of specific benefits your book will solve, for the “doubting” but still interested group.

Once you have laid out all of the benefits’ of your ebook follow up with a strong call to action. Perhaps a limited time offer or something that shows the potential customer that procrastination leads to regret. Again offer means to start the buying process within site of the words or a picture that represents a guarantee and then expound on the greatness of the guarantee to ease the doubters mind about the safety and security they can feel in making the decision to buy now.

All of these things should be considered the backbone of your sales page strategy if you truly want to have your ebook sell itself!

Ebooks for Sale by Owner

EBooks for Sale by Owner

Writing an entire ebook may seem an arduous task, which it can be. But in these information age days it’s really unnecessary.

Today complete eBooks can be purchased and re-sold by you as the author it’s called private labeling but there is a catch.

First you must not think of a private label ebook the same way you would think of an original piece of literature being written for you.

It may be easier to comprehend the concept of private label books in the same way that you would think of private label catsup. When your local supermarket wants to sell their store brand catsup they don’t go in the back room and start stewing tomatoes instead they go to a large (and hopefully good) catsup producer willing to put anyone’s label on their catsup for a price.

The store then uses their reputation, distribution channels and special pricing to sell as much catsup as they can. Unless they make special provisions with the real catsup producer essential their catsup could be exactly the same as someone else’s in a different shaped bottle!

Likewise when you are buying private label eBooks or information products you are essentially selling the same information as your neighbor on the Internet.

This could be embarrassing if you try to pass it off as your own work and get caught.

But by simply changing it a bit that fear can be abated.

Normally when you buy private label right’s products it comes with the rights to change the content to your liking. While it takes some work to change private label products and make them your own it is far easier than starting from scratch.

Look closely at private label rights products you are planning on buying and make sure that you understand the rights to the products you are considering purchasing are compatible with your goals.

Also keep I mind that the laws of supply and demand are at play here.

Not all private label rights pricing reflects the quality of the material involved. A very well written ebook may be sold thousands of times for pennies and require massive overhauling to make it seem unique from the heard, while a piece of similar quality may be sold to only a handful of people in limited quantities for considerably more.

The latter requiring less overhauling due to its severely limited distribution giving it a far lower chance of customers of finding it duplicated elsewhere.

Either way private label content is a great way to shave the tons of work of your schedule!

Audio eBook Explosion

Audio Ebook Explosion

When you consider the purchaser of an ebook how do you imagine them? Are they sitting at home late at night searching for information or sitting in an airport browsing the web from their phone? Can you can draw certain conclusions about your potential customer, conclusions that will help you understand their wants and needs and help you figure out how to satisfy their desires.

Just from the above mentioned examples you will note that your potential customer is not browsing a library or book store for information.

If you are trying to beat a library or a book store and see them as competition you have missed your mark.

From this new perspective you understand that your potential buyer is A. Busy and B. Capable of downloading information from the web in many formats.

You can also assume that because they are considering purchasing information from the web that have some disposable income.

Knowing this at the start of creating an ebook package may help you in reaping more profits by supplying more of what your customer wants.

Busy people who are on the go look for solutions that fit their hectic lifestyles. How much more valuable would it be for the late night web surfer if you could provide an audio version of the information you are providing so they can shut their laptop and learn about it from the comfort of their bed? How to could you better serve the man or woman stuck in an airport running from gate to gate if you could provide for them and audio book they could listen to with their .mp3 player while on the run?

Imagine how offering this group of people a sample of the audio could clinch the deal!

Creating a complementary audio version of ebook you are offering lends credibility to the original ebook, much the same way a movie about a book boost the sales of a traditional novel.

By adding an audio version of your ebook the benefits’ are then two fold. The audio exposes the eBook to a wider audience (those that don’t have time or like to read) while also simply bolstering the eBooks status by having it.

Turning an ebook into an audio ebook is easy and can be accomplished with a fairly inexpensively with a microphone and some open source recording and editing software.

Simply turn on the microphone and read the ebook yourself and then later edit out the mistakes.

There are many professional looking SWF (First meaning “Shockwave Flash”, but later changed to “Small Web Format” ) players to play audio samples which you can be easily add to any HTML, ( Hyper Text Markup Language) sales page so there is no reason to fear the process.

Although it may take a little more time to get your ebook to market the benefits’ of more sales at higher prices will more than offset the investment.

The Apple iPhone – Offering Something for Everyone

The Apple iPhone – Offering Something for Everyone
The Apple iPhone is one of the most amazing pieces of
technology that is available today. No matter what you
are looking for in a cell phone, you will find that
the iPhone delivers it fully.
For those who like to take pictures, it comes with a
camera built right in. If you want to take your music
along with you, you have access to your tunes with a
touch of the finger.

If you want something to watch, the television shows
and movies that you have rented or purchased from
iTunes are right there for you to watch. It helps you
to find your way when you are lost and need
directions, and it helps you to watch your favorite
YouTube videos and share them, quickly and easily.

There is so much that the iPhone offers that it’s
impossible to list everything that it can do. But it’s
not really surprising that Apple has packed so much
into their iPhone, because they have been making
computers for so long.

The Apple iPhone also includes widgets that help you
to keep up to date with things such as the weather,
stock reports, and anything else that you might want
to keep your eye on. Everything that you could want or
need to know is right there, ready for you to use
whenever you need it.

The Apple iPhone – accessibility, convenience, and
technology, all rolled into one very portable package
and ready to be used by professional and novice users

The Apple iPhone – Offering Simplicity in Technology

The Apple iPhone – Offering Simplicity in Technology
One of the biggest things that people want they
purchase a cell phone is simplicity. They want to be
able to make their calls quickly and easily, without
having to worry about finding the number that they are
searching for. Apple knows what customers want, and
they have created the Apple iPhone with this in mind.
The Apple iPhone takes all of the guesswork out of
making a phone call. With just one finger you can make
a call to any of the people on your list, either by
selecting their name or their telephone number. Do you
need to make a conference call It’s very easy to
merge two calls that you are on so that everyone can
talk at the same time. Nothing could be easier!

For those people who enjoy being more organized,
creating lists of frequently called numbers are also
very easy to do. No matter what your age or your
status in life, you are going to love the simplicity
and the handy setup of the iPhone. It makes organizing
your contacts easy and completely free of hassles.

Whether you are someone who has had a cell phone
before or you are a first time user, you will find
that the iPhone is everything that you could want and
more. Take a look for yourself and see what the iPhone
can do for you to make your cell phone calling
experience a bit easier. Once you see that the iPhone
is easy to use, you will be convinced.

Picture this with your iPhone

Picture This With Your iPhone
Have you ever been in a situation where you have
wanted to take a picture of something and didn’t have
a camera with you
It can be quite frustrating because you miss a great
photo opportunity simply because you don’t have the
right equipment with you.

But if you have an Apple iPhone, you never have to
worry about missing those great photo opportunities

The Apple iPhone has a two-megapixel camera that is
built right in and is ready to use when you want to
take a picture. Even if you have had a cell phone with
a built in camera before, you will find that it
doesn’t compare to what the Apple iPhone can do.

The Apple iPhone makes it easy to share your photos
with its easy and automatic synchronization, whether
you are using a Mac or a PC for your docking.

It’s never been easier to display the pictures you
take – all it takes is a touch of a finger. Not only
that, but when you take your pictures they can be
posted directly to a Mac Photo Gallery.

The Apple iPhone is a photographer’s dream come true.
It’s ready to take pictures when you are and makes it
easy to show off the pictures that you have taken
almost immediately.

You will never have to worry about missing out on
taking a beautiful picture because you have a great
camera built right into your cell phone.

No matter whether you are a professional or an
amateur, you will find the camera on the iPhone easy
to use.

Creativity is Key in Ringtones

Creativity is key in Ringtones
When you have a cell phone, one thing that you want is
to be able to define your phone by choosing your own
ringtone. This way you know that your ringtone is
special and that you can immediately pick it out from
all the other ringtones in the building.
With some phones, it can be frustrating because you
only have a limited amount of ringtones to choose
from. But that is not the case with the Apple iPhone.
Apple has made it easier than ever to find just the
right ringtone for your iPhone.

When you choose the Apple iPhone, you have a directory
of over 500,000 songs on iTunes to choose from, but
the options don’t stop there.

Once you have found a song that you want to select in
the iTunes store, you can use your own imagination and
creativity to have the song played the way that you
want it to be played.

You can have it fade in and out, loop, and preview it
before you purchase it to make sure that it’s just the
way that you want it to be.

With the Apple iPhone, you never have to worry about
having the same ring tone as everyone else because you
make it the way you want it to be.

When someone hears your phone ringing, and how cool it
sounds, you can say to him or her, “Thank you. That’s
my Apple iPhone that you hear, and I created that
ringtone myself.”

There is a certain satisfaction in knowing that you
took charge of your own ringtone.